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Practical Personal Finance Tips and Advice
[jwplayer file=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKY3scPIMd8″]
Video Rating: 0 / 5
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Protecting Philippines Savings Bank’s information assets takes hard work, patience and most importantly, humor.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Peggy Doviak of D.M. Wealth Management, Inc. helps people in their 20’s and 30’s create financial strategies to help them prosper in 2013.
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Alvin Tabañag, Founder & Chief Trainer, Pinoy Smart Savers Learning Center
June 20, 2011
Host: Ria Tanjuatco Trillo
Executive Producer: Martha Vinzons
Associate Producer: Maia Yco-Luna
Writer: Koreena Tulio
Guest Coordinator: Aiza Lumbuan
Researcher: Charina Trinidad
Director: Rommel Pedrealba
Video Rating: 5 / 5
[jwplayer file=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBpnW_4GEXk”]
My name is Dwayne Burnell.
I’m a Wealth Strategist and Retirement Planner and the Author of two best-selling books on financial security. And I’m here to tell you… that there’s a looming retirement crisis in America.
In fact…the road to retirement has deteriorated dramatically in recent years. Most people have not taken the necessary retirement planning steps that are necessary for a secure retirement.
I talk to folks all across the country every day… and unfortunately….I hate to say this…a large majority of them discover after talking with me… that they simply don’t have enough saved for retirement.
They’ve been living with fear and worry because they are uncertain about their financial security…most of them feel like they may have a huge shortfall for their retirement planning.
The truth is…they don’t know for sure and that’s exactly why they are concerned.
Did you know?
The average 50-year old American has less than ,000 saved for retirement.
20% of all bankruptcies happen to those age 55 and older.
36% of Americans have NOTHING saved for retirement.
I know these statistics seem bleak…
Now let me share a bit of good news with you.
I’ve devoted my professional career to helping people anticipate, understand and manage life’s surprises and risks… my clients always enjoy a worry-free retirement.
And I’d like to do the same for you…if you’ll allow me.
Beginning today…there are simple steps that you can strategically deploy so that you don’t end up as one of those statistics.
Steps that will protect your nest egg and secure the financial future of you and your family.
Steps that will allow you to participate in market upside but never subject your retirement funds to market loss.
I know it sounds to good to be true…but it is true…and I’d like to prove it to you.
For your convenience…I’ve created a financial security mind map that will allow you… to plug into the core elements that the wealthy, executives and even banks use in their financial strategies…
I want you to have it today….so that you can also enjoy… a lifetime of financial security.
All you have to do is click the button that says…
Get my financial security mind map now…
Once you do…you just need to enter your name and email address and we’ll send it to you right away…
I want to thank you for visiting my website today and I look forward to talking with you soon.