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Beat The Stock Market
The secrets of beating the market. Guided lectures carry you rom beginner through mastery.
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Stock Market In Todays Economy-Search Engines For Advice
When you go to the search engines to do research on the term “stock market in todays economy” you will get a lot of advice about what you should invest your money in and what stocks you should avoid.
Much of this is traditional type advice, it’s the same thing you have been hearing for years from the self proclaimed “experts” of the day. The problem is that much of that information is wrong.
Recently I have started to educate myself about investing. I knew absolutely nothing about investing while I was married. We went to an adviser and we were told the same thing everyone else is told: to stay in for the long haul, that the market always tends to gain back any losses over time, etc.
After some painful, both financially and emotionally, losses I decided that maybe the information that most of us get isn’t complete or even accurate.
That is why I decided to look a little more closely. I started reading books about two of today’s top investors both of whom seem to have become extremely wealthy only on their own investments.
I like that idea. The guy we used to go to only made money when he got us, or any of his other clients, to invest in a certain stock or bond. He didn’t just live off the income he made with his own investments.
This is one of the first points I remember learning when I started doing my own research – why take advice about how best to invest my money from someone who isn’t “good” enough to live off their own investment?
I think that is a valid point and one you should carefully consider. Both of the investors I studied had similar outlooks on their money and how they invest. They have their own criteria that they use to decide what to invest in and what to steer clear of.
It is based on their own research and not what some talking head says. If the investment doesn’t meet their criteria they don’t invest in it… period.
When the market is too hot and all the stocks are overpriced, they don’t invest in it. Instead they will pull their money out and put it someplace safe. Perhaps they buy gold or perhaps they invest in Treasury bonds but they don’t leave it in the market.
They will stay out of the market as long as it takes to rebound. When a good stock, one that is undervalued and meets their criteria, becomes available they will buy it.
All of these things can be learned by any of us if we are willing to take the time. Here are a few things you need to take away from this article:
1. Knowledgeable investors don’t just “ride out” a bad economy. They get out early so they don’t lose any, or as much, and put their money elsewhere until the market provides more opportunities.
2. They don’t take advice from people who are paid only to give advice. Instead, they do their own research and make their own decisions.
3. They don’t follow the herds or the trends. They have learned from experience that most people get into the market right as it is heating up, which is the time these successful investors tend to get out.
Follow the winners, continue to educate yourself, learn from your experience and create your own criteria for when to buy and you can’t go wrong. If you build a solid foundation you will never have to ask yourself what to do with the stock market in todays economy, you will already know.
How To Invest In Stock Market-The Actual Nuts And Bolts
The actual nuts and bolts of how to invest in stock market is pretty easy. You open a brokerage account and you place an order with your broker to buy or sell some stocks.
The hard part is learning what stocks to buy and sell and when you should buy and sell. This part is considerably more difficult and if you want to do it right, you must be willing to invest more than money… you need to invest time.
Time to educate yourself and find a partner who you can work with. This is where so many people mess up. They think they can just hire a broker and jump right in.
Most people treat their investing more like gambling. The truly successful investors believe that gambling is what you do when you are on vacation, not how you treat your hard earned money.
So, the first step you should take if you want to learn how to invest in stock market is to find a place to get educated on investing.
You can read books, take home study courses, and even take courses at your local college (in many cases).
The point is that information on investing is not hard to find, what might be a little harder to find is good information.
Some of the most successful and wealthy investors ever do things their own way. Most of what they do will be totally different from what a lot of the advisers around today will tell you to do.
That is because many advisers actually have their own interests at heart. Many of the so called financial experts that people turn to to help them invest, are really only commissioned sales people.
While there is nothing wrong with being a commissioned sales person, it is important that you understand that going in.
If your adviser only makes money when they buy or sell stocks for you and their other clients, how can you be sure that their advice to buy or sell a certain stock is in your best interest or if it’s just a way for them to make more money?
Or, think of it like this; who would you rather take advise on investing from someone who doesn’t make enough money on their own investments to live on so they have to work for someone else and make commissions, or someone who lives on the money they make by investing their own money?
Kind of sounds like a no brainer to me. So, be very careful who you decide to work with when it comes time to make your investments. Not all advisers are created equal.
This is the biggest reason I can think of to take some time to educate yourself on at least some basics of investing first. If you know nothing about investing, you are basically at the mercy of whoever you hire to help you.
Your success, or lack thereof, will be totally tied to the knowledge and honesty of the person you hire to work with. If you don’t know anything about the process you can’t assess how good the information you are getting actually is.
Good luck with your investing, but remember, a successful investor knows that it has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with knowledge of how to invest in stock market.
Safe Investing On The Stock Market
Many people would look at the title, safe investing on the stock market, and think that is impossible. There is no such thing as safe investing when it comes to the stock market.
I mean, come on, you can’t open a paper, watch the news or talk about stock market investing without someone telling you how dangerous it can be. Even the fine print says so on the t.v. commercials.
Recently, I have decided I wanted to find out for myself and start investing in the stock market so I started to do some research. I wanted to know if safe investing on the stock market was really possible. If it isn’t how come so many people make so much money?
True, there are a lot more that don’t make money and actually lose money, but there are those that make huge amounts of money over and over again. And, since I don’t believe in luck, I figured those people must know something the rest of us don’t.
So, I set out to find out what those successful investors did that so few other people did.
In this article I will give you a brief overview of what sets some of the top investors apart from the majority. What traits allow them to make money consistently and what you can change so you make money too.
Here are just a few things to ponder:
1. A few of the top investors that I have studied don’t rely on the information that the “talking heads” provide them.
Instead they tend to swim against the current and do things contrary to what the so called experts are advising the masses to do.
They have developed their own criteria of factors they look for before they invest in a certain stock and they don’t deviate from that criteria… ever.
2. They are extremely risk adverse. They will not deviate from the criteria they have established no matter how “great” an investment appears to be.
3. They are in it for the long term but they don’t keep putting good money after bad. If they find that there aren’t any good investments that meet their criteria at a certain time, they will move their assets out of the market until there are more buying opportunities.
In short, they are getting out of the market right as the majority of people are getting in. They tend to “bargain hunt” but if they can’t find a bargain, they just wait until they do.
There are many successful investors around today. Each of them has their own unique criteria that they are looking for when they consider buying a stock.
Find one of these investors and than learn as much as you can about the things they look for in a given company before they will actually buy that stock.
Then emulate them. Why not “copy” someone who has a track record of winning? Why take advice from someone who works for a company and only gets paid on commission when they convince one of their customers to buy or sell a certain stock?
If someone isn’t good enough to live off their own investments, why would you trust them to guide you with yours? Following these tips can make safe investing on the stock market a reality for you too.