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Idiots Guide To Fight Your Way Out Of Debt
If you are up to your eyeballs in debt, you are probably looking for some straight-forward useful information on how to fix it. We have put together a short list of tips that are basically the complete idiots guide to getting out of debt.
Educate Yourself
This may seem obvious, but a lot of people who find themselves in debt dont actively seek out information on the issue. Or they look on the internet for a minute and decide that is sufficient. If you are having debt problems, go youre the library or bookstore and find books on the subject. Look up budgets, debt, credit scores, and anything that relates to your situation. Arming yourself with a bunch of information is your best bet for getting out of debt and staying debt free.
Organize Your Bills
You need to know exactly how much debt you have gotten yourself into before you can make a plan on how you are going to fix it. Clearly lay out what your minimum payments are every month and who they are owed to. Figure out what your collective payments are each month along with how much debt you have total.
Make a Budget and Stick to It
Once you have all of this figured out you can make a budget. Getting out of debt requires that you make a budget that covers all areas of your life. This way you dont overspend anywhere and cut yourself short on paying your bills. Make sure you stick to this budget to keep from getting into further financial trouble.
Get Rid of High Interest
If you discover that you have extra money at the end of the month, which you should, use some of that money to pay extra on your debt. Pay off the credit with the highest interest rates first so that you arent wasting money on interest. This can save you a lot of money in the long run.
Cut Back on Spending
This wont be fun, but any complete idiots guide to getting out of debt will tell you that cutting most of your spending is going to be required. You got yourself into a bad situation, and now you need to redirect your money to get yourself out of it.
Diversify Your Income
If you can start bringing some extra income into the house it will be easier to pay extra on your debt each month. Now this may not mean going and getting another job. This could be something small and easy such as babysitting on the weekends instead of going out with friends or diving into a hobby in your spare time, then selling what you make. It may not seem like much, but even a couple hundred dollars extra a month can take debt out quickly. If you look online and in the newspaper you can probably find a lot of people who just need odd jobs done for a little cash.
By laying out some plans for getting out of debt and sticking to them you will start seeing progress quickly. It wont be fun, but every time you pay off a credit line, you will be able to breathe easier.
Does your idea of investing involve an old coffee can with a slit in the top or a cute little pink piggy bank that oinks when you insert a quarter? That was okay when you were eight years old, but now that you have an eight-year-old, it might be time to start thinking about what to do with your money to help secure a future for yourself in your old age and your children as they mature.
First of all, that piggy bank is a way of saving money, not investing money. Saving money means you let it accumulate by your own hand; in other words, you make it and you put some away. There is definitely nothing wrong with that. Too many of us dont have enough savings to do much with, but if you want to really make your money grow, you need to invest it that is, put your money in places where it will grow even without your having to break your back to add more to it. That is the difference between saving and investing money in savings accumulates while money invested goes to work for you and makes more money for you.
The Stock Market
When you invest in the stock market, you are actually buying a small piece, or share, of one or more companies. A share of stock, even a single share (if your company sells shares in such a low quantity) makes you partial owner of the company. Therefore, you become invested in the performance of that company. If a store shows a profit at the end of the year, that stores owner has more money, right? Same thing with the stock market. If your company shows growth (makes money), you make money because you are part owner of that company. Of course, most shareholders dont get involved in the daily operation of the company in which they purchase stock; you simply try to buy the stock while it is relatively low-priced and sell it at a higher price.
When you add numerous shares of stock into this equation, the potential to make a bigger profit increases exponentially. The more you have to invest, the more you can make with the same amount of effort. That is not to say you must have millions of dollars to be able to invest in the stock market, of course.
Most investors, unless they come from a background of wealth and have grown up observing the ins and outs of investing, necessarily have to start small. And surely there will be mistakes along the way, but unless you want to endure long hours of toil to get money, you must start an investment portfolio.
It pays to do your research on a company before making a purchase of their stock; the more you know about what a corporation actually does, the more you can feel confident in your decision to buy into it. In addition to your own research, it is also wise to get a stockbroker in whom you have confidence. Stockbrokers are experienced in reading the trends and dealing with the daily fluctuations of the market, so they can be a valuable tool to both novices and professionals alike.
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